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Native plant have been in Pa. since before the settlers of our area. Native plants have so many benefits over the imported plant material of our region and bring alot of verity and choices.  Below you will find all of the reasons why native plant material should be used and of the some reasons why they shouldnt be used.



  1. ( They Consume Less Water )- Native plants grow use to the local rainfall amounts in the area and tend to not need watered as much.
  2. ( Color ) – Most people think native plant material is either brown or green. This is a mistake they are alot of native plants which bloom through out the seasons.
  3. ( Wildlife ) – When planting native plants you are actually feeding the wildlife of our area. The wildlife of our area feed and live on the native food source and depend on them for life. The food source are the fruits, pollen, and most important the seeds the are produced by the native plant material.
  4. ( Pesticide and Fertilizations ) – Native plant material generally use less Pesticides and Fertilization treatments because the plant material and pest adapt to one another in the area and plant material grows immune and tolerates some damaging pest. Native plants can even attrack beneficial pest at times believe it or not which means less Pesticide used. Native plants also help with not using as much fertilizer. Native plants grow in natural soil conditions that are in the region and requires less maintenance and in return less fertilizer to keep them healthly and growing.
  5. ( Low Maintenance ) – Native plant material adapts to the soil conditions of our area such as the climate, rain and snow fall in the area which in retuurn allows for very little maintenance to make them grow as in Pesticide, Fertilizer and Soil Amendments.
  6. ( Soil Conditions ) – Less cost in prepping the soil area for planting the native material as most soils are correct for the plant material already.



  1. ( Installation of Plant Material ) – Home owners and commercial landscapers tend to place native plant material in the wrong locations for the type of plant that it is. Planting in the wrong location can lead to miss growth of the plant, pruning headaches and a plant that grew much more than the individual wanted which means the removal of the plant.
  2. ( Plant Growth Mantenance ) – Native plant material planted in the right location can grow very quickly and out of control. A plant like this may create more pruning mainentance.
  3. ( Wild Life ) – Wildlife can become a issue as they thrive on native plant material which leads to wildlife waste and damage to the plant material. Some of the wildlife would be Deer, Snunks, Rabbits, Birds and Squirrels.